Hello there again, It's been a long time since we have been working on M3 Stats. From now on we start to rebuild our infrastructure and improve our services. On the incoming days we weill be sharing more details about that. Keep in touch!
2019-12-15 12:43:24 GMT+0
Server Status
Aeolus Active
Bellona Active
Ceres Active
Feronia Active
Flora Active
Minerva Active
Xian Active
Ephesus Active
Mycenae Active
Player Plus
0lly +0
10SuZ1Ben_ +0
2z3aar +0
313131313162 +0
59PaSCaL59 +0
AciDiX +0
AdogtA +0
ahmadabdel +0
Ahmed_NT +0
AhtapoTSulo +0
Akihisa +0
Alcir +0
Aldear +0
Alexande_ +0
Alfadas +0
allenwalker +0
Alucard22 +0
Alykone +0
Am1RaL +0
amaar +0
ampr +0
Angungroi +0
Arquimedes +0
Artnes +0
asdsd +0
aSi_TuRK_35 +0
AsTr0_SkyEz +0
axpark +0
babamikoo2 +0
BadBunny +0
banme31338 +0
Barucu +0
BeakYung +0
BeCarful +0
bedizci +0
BeOWoLF_41 +0
Berchevski +0
berndschulz +0
Bjergsen +0
BlackShAdOoO +0
Blitz_ +0
blondu3you +0
Blow +0
Blue15 +0
Blue16 +0
Blue17 +0
Blue18 +0
Blue19 +0
Blue20 +0
Blue21 +0
Blue22 +0
Blue23 +0
Blue24 +0
Blue25 +0
Blue26 +0
Blue27 +0
Blue28 +0
Blue29 +0
Blue30 +0
Blue31 +0
Blue32 +0
Booster +0
BossJe +0
boy_storm +0
By_Fabio +0
By_Pere +0
calipso +0
CaMoMuHaBaM +0
Canavar +0
CaveXx_xXMan +0
CF +0
Cheesey +0
Christmas +0
ciletci +0
CixX +0
Clairiereee +0
CologneBow +0
Corumlee +0
Coskun46 +0
Co_Bra +0
Crave +0
creyzi +0
Crit_Junky +0
DaboOo +0
DannH +0
Dark_King1 +0
DaweiSV +0
Deadeye +0
DeadlyFalcon +0
DeLiHiKMeT +0
Dellmore +0
DemiryureK +0
DemonVII +0
Desert +0
Desha +0
Dicetel +0
Diego +0
DiHosny +0
DikKafa +0
diminator +0
dipshiet +0
DMC_Targarye +0
Donateloo +0
DonkHote +0
DreadX +0
DuEnDX +0
EaveNMystic +0
ElXandeR +0
EmperorShin +0
Enerion +0
estesmio +0
Ethernul +0
EvilClash +0
fahri_bey +0
Fast_Arrow +0
FishnChips +0
Flinq +0
Fluence +0
Fokrys +0
FooGas +0
FromHell2 +0
FVevenzuelaB +0
Galaxxy +0
GaleiL4Vinci +0
GodBlade +0
Golden_Spear +0
GreenDragon +0
Green_Arrow_ +0
gts1905 +0
H132 +0
H138 +0
H160 +0
H188 +0
H199 +0
H33 +0
H35 +0
H37 +0
H66 +0
Habitual +0
haythayt +0
heeytt +0
Hell_An6el +0
Helmeron +0
HiGhCroW +0
HolyCrusader +0
HuseyinKoral +0
i70ss +0
iBrunoBR +0
IIIaJIapay +0
Ikki +0
irontkerr +0
ItachiDori +0
Ixmucane +0
I_7uP_I +0
I_Garrador_l +0
JCesarBc +0
JDvalor +0
JeVeuxManger +0
JhonSpear +0
JhonSpear2 +0
Jinkaku__ +0
jmb +0
JustForKill +0
KaKaROoToO +0
Kakashy +0
Kaligula +0
KanuBeniM +0
Kidflash_BR +0
Killwua +0
KiNGS +0
KinGSpearMoN +0
Klabauterman +0
klipspringer +0
KnighTKilleR +0
Koca_Reis +0
Koenig2 +0
KorOkcu +0
Koruyucu +0
Kourya +0
Kroniq_Waka +0
KurczakPL +0
Laufweg1 +0
LA_Lakers +0
LeeSun +0
Lews +0
Lexxie +0
Limak +0
Li_Meng_Yao +0
lll_7ODA_lll +0
lobyelow +0
locathonx +0
Lord_of_Game +0
lUp +0
Macho +0
mada33 +0
Madra +0
Mago_Oscuro +0
MAHDY_14 +0
Mawkli +0
Mecury +0
MeTeoR +0
mido___0 +0
Mihile +0
MindFunk +0
MindLesRokie +0
Minilulatsch +0
MiqeL +0
Moeter +0
mohamedMS +0
Mohmed2018 +0
moi +0
MooD +0
MoonLight_ +0
MoonSun +0
Mowgli +0
MPower +0
MrS3xY +0
Mugel +0
Mushin +0
Muzzy +0
NadThroes +0
Negro +0
NeWLeGenD +0
NIL +0
noarimicashi +0
Noraj +0
NukeDukem +0
NuKeRCi_TR +0
NukeYouOut +0
Odium_ +0
olle +0
Osiheyn +0
ossas +0
OThy +0
OXzoldyckXO +0
Pantos +0
PASA1 +0
Patrykus +0
PekerBabaa +0
Phixy +0
Pixma +0
PomPomThelce +0
Pray4Mercy +0
Prieto_Vnzla +0
Prohibere +0
Pure_LT +0
Qllancs +0
qLss_1 +0
RamiZak +0
Rawien +0
Reiner4 +0
Ren12 +0
Reuk +0
RGB +0
Rider +0
RioolPinguin +0
RuSSiaNBiCh +0
ruteij +0
RyujoHoung +0
sads9d8sad +0
Sancak +0
Sayth +0
SeeYou +0
Seppl +0
Shaitan +0
Sharkhi +0
Sheva +0
simple4 +0
sincapp +0
sinyalci +0
SixXxTeN +0
SnakeDr +0
ssdewwew +0
sshfhfsh +0
SSJRose +0
StaichitofBG +0
StampGz +0
Stayler +0
StrakosQC +0
SulafGuard +0
Swordie +0
Sword_Storm +0
Symbion +0
tekejder +0
TeKiN_BeYi +0
Th3Knight +0
THApe +0
ThCrimsonOne +0
TheHound +0
ThePlayBoy +0
ThunderCats +0
Tobirama +0
Toguro +0
TrCesPar +0
TreZnoRusS +0
TR_Thor +0
TuEsDoch +0
Tweetyy +0
T_U_Z_A_S +0
UchItachi +0
Unique_Force +0
Unspeakble +0
V0lcan0o +0
Varchz +0
Vic_Vzla +0
vietCrack +0
Vision +0
Vorkanuz +0
vteec +0
w111cked +0
Weakelm +0
westanbul +0
Wieprzu +0
Windich27 +0
WoopHoop +0
Xear +0
xfox73 +0
XiaoFengTao +0
XiaoYao +0
xxHeDSooNxx +0
xxXTORXxx +0
xx_DeLLy_xx +0
x_EJUYO_x +0
yeahboi +0
Yeremik +0
YongLung +0
YukiteruKun +0
YuvalOrK124 +0
zeger +0
zegerxx +0
ZeReYxX +0
_Alpaca_ +0
_AMT_ +0
_D3stroy3R_ +0
_Damon_ +0
_MOhamed____ +0
_OKTAY_ +0
_Rynkar +0
_ZeniTreX_ +0
_Z_E_R_O_ +0
__HeR0__ +0
__SanDMaN__ +0
__StarDust__ +0
___DARK___ +0

Cloth Glove

Seal of Star

Sort of item: Gear

Degree: 1

Phy. def. pwr. +0%

Mag. def. pwr. +0%

Durability +0%

Parry rate +0%

Phy. reinforce +0%

Mag. reinforce +0%

Required level 1

