Hello there again, It's been a long time since we have been working on M3 Stats. From now on we start to rebuild our infrastructure and improve our services. On the incoming days we weill be sharing more details about that. Keep in touch!
2019-12-15 12:43:24 GMT+0
Server Status
Aeolus Active
Bellona Active
Ceres Active
Feronia Active
Flora Active
Minerva Active
Xian Active
Ephesus Active
Mycenae Active


State FULL
Total Number of Players 19278
Total Number of Guilds 2307
List all players

Fortress Occupations

Jangan Fortress RiseAbove - [ fire_wizz ]
Hotan Fortress TheAscension - [ SexDark ]
Constantinople Fortress Survived - [ Presuntas ]
Bandir Fortress _FlawLess_ - [ Shinr4Tensei ]

Party List

# Master Title
29698 LighT_StyleZ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-WTS sB0t ip_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
29701 Abzehk For open hunting on the Silk Road!
29703 helix WTB 14dg eu legend set WTS 13dg +4 l.a legend set
29704 M0naLisa For open hunting on the Silkroad!
29706 _Moyoung_ WTS 13DG LEGEND +3 L.A F.B LEGS
29719 Exanime 24/7 reform
29727 lingon LTP
29730 Pachacutec 24/7 REFORM
29742 xLovesBitex _ReLoMia_ is scammer
29746 ForYouBaby Free 101 alex
29756 ParIiament 119-120 PT Join All .. 24/7 Need Warrior
29760 _Container_ a
29763 Strong_Ones PT MobS 119-1220Need Warrior
29765 Maurise -- DarkArmy <3
29767 Sipoglu_C For open hunting on the Silk Road!
29768 MmGuN 110PT Join All ..need warrior !! 24-7 SBoT
29769 BlackBeatZ TheUnknown FTW!
29770 PureOwnage__ <333 lmmortals <333
29771 0oLINKo0_HL HYRULE
29772 Supr3m3_Wiz For open hunting on the Silk Road!
29773 WhiteTalon DARKTEAM
29774 freyaliz For open hunting on the Silk Road!
29775 xXphar3onXx TheUnknown FTW!
29776 DeepTrap Free Ong
29777 Night_KinGG 130
29778 Nikolle _______Abo__Hassan_____